NEWS | Woodworker Adrian nails an amazing Set For Life win after spotting an empty parking spot outside his local shop and grabbing a National Lottery ticket!

NEWS | Woodworker Adrian nails an amazing Set For Life win after spotting an empty parking spot outside his local shop and grabbing a National Lottery ticket!

When Adrian Brennan spotted an empty parking spot outside his local shop he decided to grab the chance to buy a National Lottery ticket. Now, the carpenter and handyman from Ferndale, Mid Glamorgan is looking forward to enjoying a Set For Life prize of £10,000 every...

NEWS | More than 200 homes could be built in and around Merton Meadow in Hereford after Herefordshire Council awarded a £767,000 contract to a Manchester based firm for design and consultancy services for flood alleviation work 

NEWS | More than 200 homes could be built in and around Merton Meadow in Hereford after Herefordshire Council awarded a £767,000 contract to a Manchester based firm for design and consultancy services for flood alleviation work 

Up to 210 homes could be built in and around the Merton Meadow area of Hereford. The plans have been revealed in recent months, and Herefordshire Council has now awarded a contract (value £767,252) to Buttress Architects Limited of Manchester to deliver design and...