A local school has taken the decision to temporarily close due to the upcoming heatwave.
Parents at John Masefield High School in Ledbury have received the following letter:
“We have had high temperatures for the past fortnight which have particularly affected lessons in our Main Block which was built in the 1960s but also the mobile classrooms and the Mathematics Block. For Health and Safety purposes, we have been measuring temperatures in these classrooms and have found that by mid to late afternoon the temperature in the classroom is often more than 5oC higher than the official temperature recorded by the Met Office.
“We have been impressed with how students have continued to focus on their work and behave well in difficult conditions. Equally teachers have continued to teach high quality lessons and maintain a positive ethos. We would like to thank both students and staff for their efforts here; they are greatly appreciated.
“On Monday afternoon and Tuesday next week temperatures are currently predicted to reach 37oC and could exceed the highest recorded temperature ever in the UK of 38.7oC which was recorded in Cambridge in 2019. We believe that temperatures in classrooms particularly in the Main Block which has many south facing windows and has a poor design are likely to be between 40oC and 45oC.
“In the UK people are not used to these temperatures and can suffer from heat stroke and those with underlying medical conditions can become seriously ill.
“We are also aware that the activities and trips planned for Tuesday, the first of our two Challenge Days, include physical or sporting activities, which are inappropriate in such high temperatures. We have been in touch with the outdoor centres we planned to visit who are concerned that several of the activities planned for Tuesday will not be able to take place because of the extreme temperatures forecast. Additionally, we believe the coaches will become unbearably hot and students will not be able to enjoy the trips.
“After much heart searching and very careful deliberation, we have reluctantly decided to make the following decisions:
- Monday 18 July: School will finish at 12:15pm
We have arranged for the following buses to arrive between 12:15pm and 12:30pm:
• Buchanans JMH 222 (Much Marcle, Preston Cross route)
• CAL JM224 (Eastnor, Canon Frome route)
• CAL JM223 (Coddington route)
• DRM JMH05 (Hereford, Tarrington route)
• Grindles – (Leddington, Redmarley, Brooms Green route)
• Newent minibus service
• First Midland 674 (Bromyard, Bishops Frome, Cradley)
• First Midland 675 (Malvern/Colwall). This bus will also serve the usual 676 Wellington Heath route.
We have not been able to arrange for the following buses to arrive early:
• Blue line taxis JMH221
“If you are not able to collect or supervise your child on Monday afternoon, please use the link to the Microsoft Form below to let us know the details. We will be able to ensure they are supervised and safe in the Sports Hall, which is the coolest building in the school. Please could you complete the form by 2pm on Friday 15 July if you wish your child to be supervised in school on Monday afternoon.”
Form for Afternoon Supervision for Student on Monday 18 July
- Tuesday 19 July: School will be closed, and all Challenge Day trips and activities will be cancelled. We will ensure all parents and carers are given a full refund of the costs of the trip.
Staff will be working from home on Monday afternoon and on Tuesday working on curriculum planning, lesson planning and producing teaching resources for the next academic year. - Wednesday 20 July: School will be open as usual and all trips and activities will take place as planned.
Please note: If the weather forecast changes dramatically, we may need to reconsider this, but at this stage this seems unlikely. - Thursday 21 July: School will be open as planned from 8:45am until 12:15pm for the final day of term.
- The Year 10 Normandy trip which is departing on Sunday will take place as planned. We are currently working with the centre in Normandy to ensure steps are in place to keep all students safe in the hot weather forecast.
And finally….
I would like to say this has been an incredibly difficult decision to make but we had to take account of the circumstances faced by JMHS on Monday afternoon and on Tuesday including: - The extreme predicted temperatures combined with the unsuitability of the buildings.
- The physical activities planned in school and on trips.
“I am concerned that if we were open on Monday afternoon or Tuesday or the trips did run, members of our school could become seriously ill.
“I am aware that the weather forecast may change, and this is a risk we are taking. However, I concluded that it was better to act now so that parents and carers can make necessary arrangements. We appreciate that cancelling the Challenge Day trips and activities planned for Tuesday is particularly disappointing and we will do all we can to make up for this next academic year.
“With my apologies for the inconvenience this decision causes.”
Andrew Evans