Dyfed-Powys Police is urging people not to risk undoing all their hard work by breaking coronavirus regulations as the weather improves.

With the arrival of nicer weather and days drawing out, coupled with infection rates falling, there is understandably more optimism among communities.

However, we remain in lockdown at Level 4 and breaking Welsh Government regulations now could jeopardise any plans to ease or lift the lockdown in the near future.

Superintendent Andrew Edwards said: â€śWe know how difficult it has been, we have lived through this pandemic with you, so we understand why people are keen to return to some form of normality as soon as possible.

“However, if the infection rate stops falling, or even begins increasing, we risk further restrictions.

“We saw an increase in people travelling to beauty spots last weekend, which is real cause for concern.

“It is also not fair on people living within those communities who may feel they cannot go out because people are travelling in and fear being put at risk by unlawful travel.”

The regulations state that we must not travel for exercise.

The Welsh Government Coronavirus guidelines can be found here: https://gov.wales/coronavirus