The demolition of the Blackfriars End at Edgar Street is set to take place imminently with the contract to carry out the work awarded to Pennys Group Limited.

Herefordshire Council have confirmed the decision to award a contract and approve the expenditure of up to ÂŁ100,817.50 for the Demolition of the Blackfriars Stand at Edgar Street Football Ground, Hereford.

Plans were revealed earlier this year for the demolition of the Blackfriars End, with plans to rebuild a stand in the coming years, with student accommodation. 

Council documents shared today (Thursday) said:

“Award a contract to Pennys Group Limited for the Demolition of the Blackfriars Stand at Edgar Street Football Ground, Hereford, following a successful tender on the Council’s procurement portal.

“Approve the expenditure of up to £92,752.10 for the works, which includes a contingency of up to £12,098.10.

“Approve the expenditure of up to £8,065.40 for internal and external professional fees.

“Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by the Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget.”

The Council documents go on to highlight the risks of not carrying out the work:

“By not carrying out the Demolition the Blackfriars Stand is at risk of incurring further maintenance requirements, potentially costing the Council further money.

“There is also a health and safety risk associated with not carrying out these works.

“There is a risk that once on site, further works are identified that was not previously apparent.

“A contingency has been allowed to cover unforeseen elements once the works commence. Should this contingency be insufficient then a further officer decision will be required.”