The Dzembo family from Sarasota, Florida who are holidaying in Ledbury, decided to make a visit over to Edgar Street on Saturday to watch the Hereford FC v Telford game. The match ended in a 0-0 draw.

Karen Pardoe who watches games from the wheelchair accessible area enclosure told Your Herefordshire “Nick & Samantha Dzembo with their son Connor & daughter Milania have hopefully all enjoyed their day with us Hereford FC DSA in the wheelchair accessible area”

Karen continued “Connor & Milania were lucky enough to have a meet & greet with a few of the players, Tyrone Barnett & Ryan Mclean came over for a chat & photos, they even got to meet the infamous Bob Graham, Sqinny & Marce Furness”

“It’s just a shame they didn’t get to experience the Meadow End erupting after a goal as the game ended 0-0. We all hope you guys enjoy the rest of your stay in the UK & we wish you safe travels on your long journey home back to the USA “
Photos provided by Karen Pardoe