Whitecross Hereford, High School and Specialist Sports College Headteacher Tim Knapp has praised students, their families and school staff after a recent Ofsted visit rated the school as good in ALL areas.

The school, which was given an inadequate rating in 2022, has worked hard to turn this around, despite leaders at the time feeling that the Ofsted report in 2022 was harsh.

The visit on 7th and 8th June 2023, rated the school as good in all areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

Whitecross Hereford Headteacher Tim Knapp was delighted with the Ofsted rating and told Your Herefordshire:

“Whitecross has been judged good in all areas. The report praises the school’s ambition, student behaviour and attitudes and the emphasis on personal development. Other strengths include the high-quality curriculum and the range of intervention and support.

“Sixteen months ago we were heartbroken when we received an Ofsted judgment which we disputed. After exhausting the complaints process we were forced to accept a grade which even Ofsted inspectors acknowledged did not reflect the quality of education we provide. Living with that judgment has been tough for all involved so it is with relief and real pride that we are able put the experience behind us.

“This report captures what we’ve always known about our school – that we are ambitious to be the best that we can be, that we are constantly learning and that our community is at the heart of what we do. It was particularly pleasing to be referred to as the Whitecross family. Even our school dog, Nell, gets a mention!

“I’d like to thank our amazing students and their families and our incredible staff and governing board for making this school the great place that it is.”

What the report says:

‘Senior leaders’ high aspirations permeate school life. They expect high standards of all staff, pupils and themselves. On the whole, these standards are met.

‘All staff want pupils to succeed and thrive. Pupils enjoy school and do well. The motto of ‘Excellence for all – Excellence from all’ is evident.

‘Pupils’ behaviour is good. Lessons are generally calm and free from disruption. Pupils are friendly, courteous and welcoming. Positive relationships between staff and pupils are commonplace and a pleasure to observe. Pupils describe their teachers as kind and caring.

‘They are confident in their teachers to swiftly deal with any incidents when they occur.

‘Leaders place great emphasis on pupils’ personal development. They have focused on supporting pupils’ mental health, personal growth and fostering positive attitudes to learning. For example, pupils speak passionately about Nell, the school dog, who greets all pupils as they arrive to school in the morning. As a result of this work, pupils value the education their teachers provide.

‘Leaders have planned a wide-ranging offer for pupils to follow their interests and talents. This includes numerous sporting activities, instrumental lessons, clubs, visits, trips and opportunities to take on leadership roles within the school. Pupils speak positively about the many things they can get involved in.’

Full report – Whitecross Hereford – Open – Find an Inspection Report – Ofsted