West Mercia Police have issued an appeal following an incident at a property in the Roman Road area of Hereford.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said:

“We would like to make you aware of a theft that has occurred. 

“A bay tree was stolen from the front porch of a house on Roman Road. The theft took place between 17th and 18th May.

“The tree, approximately 18 inches tall and in a wooden pot, was a gift and holds sentimental value.

“Please stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity. If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact us reference number 00127_I_18052024”

Further information from West Mercia Police:

Let’s work together to keep our community safe.

General Crime Prevention Tips:

Secure Your Property: Ensure all doors and windows are locked, even when you’re at home. Use high-quality locks and consider installing additional security measures such as deadbolts.

Lighting: Install motion-sensor lights around your property to deter intruders. Well-lit areas are less likely to be targeted by thieves.

CCTV and Alarms: Invest in a good quality CCTV system and a burglar alarm. These can act as both deterrents and valuable tools for the police if a crime does occur.

Keep Valuables Out of Sight: Do not leave valuable items in plain view from windows or outside your home. Store them in secure locations.

Community Vigilance: Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to the police. Look out for your neighbours and encourage them to do the same.

Mark Your Property: Use a UV pen or a property marking solution to mark your valuables with your postcode and house number. This can help recover stolen items.