Herefordshire Council has authorised urgent work to take place at Maylord Shopping Centre in Hereford, to repair the roof that is described as in ‘very poor condition’.

Council documents state the following:

“Urgent unforeseen need identified from a roof survey to undertake roof replacement works at Maylord’s Shopping Centre above units 6 and 51. 

“The assessment of the roofs show they are in very poor condition and need to be replaced. 

“Failure to replace the roofs will result in further water ingress and damage to the units. This could also result in higher dilapidation costs.

“A tenant is already in situ at unit 51, and has spent a large sum of money renovating the property and a new tenant is set to occupy unit 6 in the near future. To avoid any insurance claims from the tenants due to water damage against the council and any additional cost in repairing future water leaks, the roofs need to be replaced as soon as possible. 

“Damage has been recorded on numerous occasions in Unit 51 and patch repairs undertaken but this has not resolved an outstanding issue. 

“The tenant’s agent is requesting a longer term strategy for replacement with the threat of action taken against the Council due to unsatisfactory condition and maintenance/ repair costs. 

“Unit 6 is in legal hands for the tenant to take over legal occupation and refurbish however, until the roof replacement is undertaken, this will pause, leaving the council without a considerable rental income and the city without improved health services. 

“Capital submission has been approved but funding will not be available until April. 

“These urgent works need to be taken now.”