Press Release from the North Herefordshire Conservatives:

Earlier this week, Sir Bill Wiggin, Conservative Party Candidate in North Herefordshire, launched his campaign for the General Election on July 4th.

The event, held in Leominster Rankin Club, was well attended with many supporters from across North Herefordshire.

During the event Sir Bill gave a speech to the attendees within which he outlined all the recent successes but emphasised that we must not be complacent and that every vote matters. 

Sir Bill’s speech praised the recent unprecedented commitment by the Government to invest £35million into the River Wye to help clean up phosphates in the river.

He also highlighted the importance of the Government’s investment into the roads. Earlier this year the Government committed £207million for road resurfacing and local transport infrastructure in Herefordshire. 

Sir Bill has been the Member of Parliament for North Herefordshire for 23 years during which he has secured funding for Hereford Hospital which has created 34 new beds, fought for vulnerable children, championed local businesses and tourism, secured a solution for the River Wye and continually highlighted the need for improvements to rural transport.

Over the coming weeks Sir Bill will be travelling all around the county to meet with constituents to hear their views.

Sir Bill is dedicated to representing the people of North Herefordshire and has a strong track record for doing so. Please support Bill on 4th July so that he can continue to support you.

Sir Bill commented:

“We have got to make sure we fight for every single vote, deliver every single leaflet.

“The roads, the rivers, and the hospitals are the key issues to people this election. We are seeing the roads getting better now that key repair work can take place thanks to the Conservative Government and Council’s commitment to these improvements.

“I am a fighter and I never give up. 

“We need to make sure the people feel our care, feel our love. Caring and the future is what politics is all about.

“We are going to win North Herefordshire. Onwards to victory.”