From West Mercia Police:

Most Vehicle crime is opportunistic and happens as a result of a vehicle being left vulnerable or unsecured.You can help us prevent opportunist thieves from striking by following these tips.

Park somewhere safe-a garage or a well-lit street 

Reduce the risk of theft-use alarms,immobilizers and locking devices. 

Obvious targets such as laptops, Sat Navs,dash Cams should be removed if possible. take valuables with you handbags, phones, CD’s and even loose change can be valuable to a would be thief.

Every time you leave your car lock the doors and windows.

Car keys should never be left in the ignition if you are away from your car.

Thieves will also enter a house to steal car keys. Keep your keys away from easily accessible area’s in the home such as windows sills and doors.


Key-less vehicles although convenient are currently an extremely easy target for theft with an increasing number being stolen. however there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk.

Ensure your vehicle is properly locked and keep keys far away from doors and windows to ensure the vehicle is no longer in range of the key’s signal.

Place keys in a metal/foiled lined box or container that blocks the keys signal from reaching the vehicle when not in use.

Switch off the keys wireless signal when you don’t need your vehicle. If you are unsure if the key has this function, find out in your owners manual.

You can purchase an aftermarket security device, such as steering lock, a drive way post or even a wheel clamp. even if the thieves are able to access and start your car, these should prevent them driving away. many criminals will consider bypassing these as ‘too much hassle’.

Other steps include checking if there are any software updates for the car itself, remaining vigilant for unusual activity in your area and having an aftermarket immobiliser or tracker fitted.

For the latest crime prevention advise visit:

For crimes in progress call 999

for none urgent report online: