A parish council in Herefordshire has issued a statement asking villagers to inform other members of the community about planned firework events after receiving a number of complaints over the weekend.
Wellington Parish Council issued the following notice earlier today:
There was a lot of large and very noisy fireworks set off on Friday night. This has caused concern to some parishioners, particularly those with animals who were very upset by the incident.
We don’t know who let the fireworks off but we would like to ask that in future you give some kind of notice so that the explosions dont don’t upset people or animals. In this way people can keep their animals in and will be expecting the explosions.
Many Thanks
However, one local resident made a comment in support of those that organised the firework display.
Kath said:
“Such a shame that this has upset some people, as an animal owner I do understand the stress, however I do also understand that these fireworks were in memory of a much loved and missed member of the village. Sadly it seems so many things upset others these days we are all only human and can’t please everyone all the time.”