A motorist that fled the scene of a collision has been arrested on suspicion of drink driving.

The motorist, who Police are yet to name, was involved in a collision with a house near Tenbury Wells. 

The occupants of the vehicle fled the scene, but Police quickly located them a short distance away. 

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said:

“Patrol officers from Malvern attended a Road Traffic Collision near Tenbury Wells where a vehicle crashed into a house, destroying a staircase and trapping the homeowners upstairs. 

The cars occupants made off from the scene, but along with @shropsfire & West Midlands Ambulance Service, we ensured the homeowners were safely extracted, and officers from Team A Patrol quickly located the cars occupants a short distance away. 

“They were arrested for making off from the scene and being over the prescribed limit of alcohol.”