Lockdown easing will continue in England next week, with outdoor gathering (Up to six people or two households) allowed and selected sports allowed to resume.

Government Guidance states:

“From 29 March, when most schools start to break up for the Easter holidays, outdoor gatherings (including in private gardens) of either 6 people (the Rule of 6) or 2 households will also be allowed, making it easier for friends and families to meet outside.

“Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis and basketball courts, and open-air swimming pools, will also be allowed to reopen, and people will be able to take part in formally organised outdoor sports. The ‘stay at home’ rule will end on 29 March but many restrictions will remain in place. People should
continue to work from home where they can and minimise the number of journeys they make where possible, avoiding travel at the busiest times and
routes. Travel abroad will continue to be prohibited, other than for a small number of permitted reasons.

“Holidays abroad will not be allowed, given it will remain important to manage the risk of imported variants and protect the vaccination programme. The Government has launched a new taskforce to review
global travel which will report on 12 April.”

Full guidance can be found at – COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Looking to play golf? The Herefordshire Golf Club have spaces available. Visit – The Herefordshire Golf Club

Looking to play tennis? The Hereford Squash, Tennis and Racketball Centre is a great place to visit with brilliant facilities. Find out more – Hereford Squash Tennis & Racketball Centre / Tennis / Squash (lta.org.uk)