Mission Christmas Cash for Kids received a huge boost in Herefordshire today thanks to a wonderful donation from a local businessman and his family.

Mike Baker who runs new2you, a family-owned used caravan business in Eardisley, used his birthday as an opportunity to raise money for Birmingham Childrens hospital via donations from friends and family. To encourage others to dig deeply, he pledged to give double the total raised from donations in order to bring a little Christmas cheer at a more local level.

Saturday saw him carry out his generous offer when he and his family delivered over £700’s worth of toys and gifts to the local Cash for Kids drop off point at Bensons Beds in Hereford.

Mr Baker, who earlier this week donated a number of tents, sleeping bags and other items to help homeless people In Herefordshire, told us “2020 has been an awful year for oh so many. Lots of people have lost family members, others have lost jobs and incomes, for some it’s simply been a difficult year due to the fact they have not been able to see close family members that they love and care for so much

My family and I are very lucky not to have suffered significant loss over the past year and wanted to do what we could in the hope that it might bring a smile to someone’s face if only for even just a short while. Hopefully the presents donated today will help to brighten a few children’s faces when they wake up on Christmas morning”