Joe Turner from Leominster was recently involved in in a freak accident and has suffered serious injuries.

Joe is going to have a long road to recovery, and his friends are not sure what that recovery entails yet as it is still early days. But what we do know is that Joe is going to be spending approximately the next 9-12months in the QE and Oswestry rehabilitation centre. His friends and family want to be able to do something to help whilst he receives the vital care and treatment he needs.

Unfortunately, due to his lung cancer diagnosis and surgery in 2020, Joe has been unable to get critical illness cover. When he thought he had already had the fight of his life, he is now faced with this.

His friends are hoping to raise £5,000+ to aid towards helping him rebuild his life, whether that be towards medical expenses, rehabilitation, equipment or just purely getting him back on track when he finally comes home, so can focus completely on his recovery.

To help with this fundraising, Joe’s family and friends, are going to set individual challenges per week to help raise as much as they possibly can for Joe.

Any donations, no matter how much, will all be greatly appreciated.

The link to the gofund me is here -> Fundraiser by Rachel Turner : Joe’s Journey (

There will be some fundraising events taking place in Leominster below.