The Labour Party is proud to announce Joe Emmett as their official candidate for the Hereford and South Herefordshire constituency in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Joe, a dedicated local teacher and community leader, brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to the area. 

Joe, who lives in Cusop, West Herefordshire with his wife and two sons, has been an influential figure in Hereford through both his professional and volunteer efforts. 

As a teacher, Joe has inspired countless students and significantly contributed to the local education system.

His leadership extends beyond the classroom with initiatives like the “Good Apples” project, which identifies and celebrates Hereford individuals who make extraordinary contributions to their community. 

This initiative has shone a light on the often-overlooked heroes of Hereford, fostering a stronger sense of community.

Recently, Joe demonstrated his commitment to environmental issues by running the entire length of the River Wye. 

This journey was aimed at raising awareness about the environmental challenges facing the river, emphasising the need for greater protection and sustainable practices to preserve one of Herefordshire’s most cherished natural resources.

As a Specialist Leader in Education, Joe has focused on tackling violence against women and girls in both his teaching role and again beyond the classroom. 

Joe is also an assistant football coach at Belmont Wanderers in the South Wye area for his younger son and is excited about the new facilities being built there. 

His sons have also represented Lads Club, Toros, Wellington and Hereford. Joe still plays football in the Veterans League.

Joe’s personal experiences as a parent, educator, and active community member provide him with a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the constituency. 

His son is currently taking his GCSEs, bringing a personal perspective to the issues faced by local families.

“I am deeply honoured to stand as the Labour Party candidate for Hereford and South Herefordshire,” said Joe Emmett.

“Our community deserves a representative who not only understands our needs but is also deeply invested in creating a better future for all. I am committed to advocating for improved public services, affordable and social housing, environmental sustainability and fair funding for our county.”

Joe’s campaign will focus on ensuring Labour’s Five Missions have a real impact here in Hereford and South Herefordshire, from increased access to dentistry, to supporting our farming community and making sure we have public infrastructure that works for all.

The Hereford Labour Party is confident in Joe Emmett’s ability to be a tireless representative for the community.

“We are delighted to have such a strong and passionate local candidate in Joe,” said the local Labour Party chair, Paul Dawson. 

“Joe and Labour are the only alternative to the Tories in Hereford and South Herefordshire.”

For more information about Joe Emmett and his campaign, please visit or