Two new NHS Dentist Centre’s are set to open in Hereford.

NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire have appointed Central Hereford Dental Care as the new provider of NHS dental services in Hereford and they will operate two new practices in the city.

The first of two practices, Central Hereford Dental Care, will operate from premises on Commercial Street in Hereford, with a second practice, operated by Imperial Dental Partnership, located on Belmont Road due to open this summer.

The Belmont Road location will be in the building that previously was run by Bupa, near Asda.

Imperial Dental (Pool Farm Cottages, Belmont Road, Hereford, HR2 7JZ) can be contacted by calling (01432) 279066. It is expected that the number will be connected in the coming days.

Patients that were previously registered at the Belmont Road practice are expected to be contacted in the coming weeks.

The website for Central Hereford Dental Care, located on Commercial Street, can be found at the bottom of this article.

Appointments and registration of interest can only be made via telephone or via the online form.  

The Commercial Street Practice is now open, with a number of patients receiving appointments, so please be patient if you have completed the online form.

Appointments will be offered based on clinical need and priority. It is not a “first come first served” system.

This means that people who “express interest” will be treated equally.

The provision of NHS Dental Services has been commissioned to provide long term access and we kindly request that people are patient when registering their details and looking to secure an appointment.

For more information, please visit –

Opening Times will be:


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 – 17:00