Herefordshire Council is set to spend almost £600,000 on the purchase of four new road gritters ahead of the winter.

The council has taken the following decision:

‘Approve the expenditure of £599,849 to Econ Engineering Ltd for the purchase of four road gritters as follows.

‘6m3 capacity 4 x 4 chassis x 2 

‘9m3 capacity 6 x 6 chassis x 1

‘9m3 capacity 6 x 4 chassis x 1

‘Including four Five Point Camera Systems, delivery of vehicles to Herefordshire and first registration.

‘The contract period is for 2 years with an option to purchase up to one more vehicles with similar specification during the contract term.’

Herefordshire Council says that the purchase of the four road gritters is due to the fact that much of the current fleet have exceeded their expected life by some considerable amount and the maintenance cost of keeping them roadworthy is growing exponentially.

The money to purchase the road gritters will come from funding from the Winter Resilience budget.

The full decision can be viewed by visiting –