Press Release from the Herefordshire Green Party:

Green Party Deputy Leader Zack Polanski visited North Herefordshire on Wednesday 29th May to support Ellie Chowns’ campaign to become Green MP for the constituency.

Polanski met local volunteers and knocked on doors with Dr Chowns to speak to residents in Wellington Heath. 

Zack Polanski said:  

“The support for Ellie here is incredible! I’ve spoken to so many people who say they’ll be voting for her on 4th July. 

“There’s a really strong sense that people appreciate Ellie’s positive, local focus and her campaign priorities of supporting the local economy, campaigning for a properly funded NHS, and protecting the rivers in this beautiful part of the country.

“This seat is one of the Green Party’s top four targets across the whole country. We know Labour and the Lib Dems aren’t seriously targeting this seat – Labour insiders described it as a “non-battleground” – so it’s really clear that it’s between Ellie Chowns and the Conservatives here – and Ellie can win!” 

Ellie Chowns said: 

“It’s been great to have Zack here in North Herefordshire to support our campaign. We’ve got amazing support locally, with over 350 local people (and counting) volunteering to help us – and Zack’s visit shows the huge support we have within the Green Party too.

“Unlike the other parties, we’ve been actively campaigning here for over a year – I’ve been going to every corner of the constituency to listen to local people, and it shows in our support. 

“My priorities for North Herefordshire – renewing our local economy, repairing our NHS, and restoring our rivers – really resonate everywhere I go, and our doorstep conversations now show we are neck and neck with the Conservatives. 

“On 4th July, local people will know a vote for Ellie will be the vote for change in North Herefordshire.”