From Herefordshire Council:
Blueschool Street, Hereford has been closed to traffic since last Thursday evening (13 March) when surveys associated with planned resurfacing work found suspected voids underneath the carriageway.
Since then, investigation work has been taking place by our partner contractors and supervised by our Highways team on Friday and Saturday.
This included work to dig to approximately a metre in depth with the underlying material being found to be solid and in good condition, with no voids.
While on site we have taken the opportunity to check and undertake other work, including drainage improvements, and we are working with Historic England to remove vegetation from the historic city wall.
Our efforts have now turned to installing a new kerb-line along the near side, westbound, lane.
This will allow the carriageway to be built-up to a more even level before surfacing works are completed next week through the site.
We thank all users of Blueschool Street for their patience while this necessary work has been underway. We don’t experience issues like this every day and we are grateful for the assistance of our local supply chain who responded to our call.