COVID-19 infection rates in the South Wye area of Hereford continue to cause alarm with two areas of the city now seeing rates above 400 cases per 100,000 population.

In the data ending 11th November, rates in Hereford (South) were 409 cases per 100,000 population and Hereford (South West) were 411.1 cases per 100,000 population. Herefordshire Council put Hinton, Hunderton, Lower Bullingham, Redhill, Belmont, Newton Farm and Saxon Gate under a ‘High Alert’ on Saturday, due to concern over a significant rise in cases.

Another area that is causing concern is Hereford (East) including Tupsley. Infection rates in this area are rising sharply, with the rate currently at 350.5 cases per 100,000 population.

To put this into perspective, these areas currently have a higher infection rate than Liverpool (291.7 cases per 100,000 population).

Infection rates are expected to continue to rise further, with a large number of cases recorded over recent days yet to be included in this data yet.

Data Source –

Karen Wright, Director of Public Health said:

“We are particularly concerned for vulnerable residents in those areas where positive cases are rising significantly. I would urge everyone to act like they’ve got it and don’t be the link to more cases.

“It’s important to follow the guidance to reduce the spread of the virus. We are still in national lockdown, so you should stay at home as much as possible and limit your contact with people from outside your household. Remember hands, face, space – wash your hands regularly, use a face covering when visiting enclosed spaces like shops and keep your distance from others (at least 2 metres).

“It is also essential people get tested if they have symptoms and self-isolate immediately to protect themselves and others. I appreciate that this can be difficult for many people which is why it’s important to be aware of the community support available if you need to self-isolate and require help with basics like food, and there’s financial support for those who will lose income.”

People who are self-isolating and need help with basics when there is no one else to help, such as food shopping, collecting a prescription or looking after pets can contact the council’s Talk Community support  or call 01432 260027.

To book a test visit –