Both of the Liberal Democrats Candidates for Herefordshire support plans for a Western Bypass for Hereford.

Dan Powell (Liberal Democrats Candidate for Hereford & Herefordshire South) and Cat Hornsey (Liberal Democrats Candidate for Herefordshire North) confirmed that they support the plans for a Western Bypass in the following statement sent to Your Herefordshire.

“We support the plans for a western bypass and want to stop the endless debate and start the building of the road and bridge.

“As local residents who have suffered the city congestion for too long, we know that building the long overdue bypass and de trunking the A49 out of the City is the only answer.

“This will allow the City to connect properly and stop gridlock with the congestion it causes. 

“Over 500 families and three schools suffer health issues from the dangerous emissions of standing traffic on the main road along with many more vehicles on linked roads where traffic is held up to keep the A49 flowing.

“Let’s end the debate and finally build the bypass to secure Herefords future.”