A number of outdoor sports venues in Herefordshire will reopen today, with lockdown in England continuing to ease.

Outdoor gatherings of either 6 people or 2 households are allowed, providing greater flexibility for families to see each other. This includes in private gardens.

Outdoor sports facilities, such as tennis and basketball courts, are allowed to reopen, and people can take part in formally organised outdoor sports.

The Stay at Home order has ended, although many lockdown restrictions will remain.

For example, you should continue to work from home where possible, and overseas travel remains banned, aside for a small number of reasons.

Golfers will be delighted with golf courses reopening from today. Our friends over at The Herefordshire Golf Club having slots available for you and your friends to book. Head over to The Herefordshire Golf Club for more details.

More of a fan of Tennis? Hereford Tennis, Squash and Racketball Centre have courts available for you to book. Visit – Hereford Squash Tennis & Racketball Centre / Tennis / Squash (lta.org.uk) for more details. They also have Easter Camps and Cardio Tennis available to book via Tennis Hereford – Tennis Coaching and Holiday Camps Hereford | Tennis Hereford