Plans for a new 70-bedroom care home in Herefordshire have been submitted to Herefordshire Council.

The development is planned for the outskirts of Ross-on-Wye.

The planning application, submitted by Prime (UK) Developments Limited, is for the following:

“Proposed erection of a residential care home (Use Class C2), with associated access arrangements, car parking, amenity space, landscaping, drainage and all other associated works.”

You can view the planning application in full by visiting the Herefordshire Council planning website and searching for reference number – P250600/F

The proposed new home will provide a range of specialist care for the elderly which includes provision for those that require residential support or nursing / dementia care, in a modern purpose-built environment in accordance with residential care homes and nursing homes defined by PPGs design guidance on housing for older and disabled people.

The facilities offered will include en-suite bedrooms with a range of excellent communal and amenity spaces incorporating a café, cinema/bar, hairdressers, lounges and dining areas.

All residents will benefit from communal amenity and comforting landscaped spaces with all residents having access into the semi-private garden spaces.

The proposed care home will also provide significant employment opportunities for local people.