Press Release From Stronger Hereford:

If you’re a regular visitor to Hereford Leisure Centre or Hereford Racecourse, you will have noticed that work is well under way in creating the new off-road cycle track in the north of the city.

Just over a quarter of the track’s bed has been excavated, and the first section of sub-base laid. Hereford Cycle Track is one of our 15 projects benefiting from our funding programme, and has also received support from Sport England and British Cycling. It’s located next door to one of our other projects – Hereford Skate Park.

Planning for the floodlit 1km closed circuit cycle track was approved by Herefordshire Council last August and it is expected to be completed in August 2023. 

It will provide a riding space free from traffic for all recreational riders as well as those that are training or part of a club. 

There will be a learn to ride area for children with the track mimicking a road layout. 

A cycle hub will be available which will include adaptive bikes for hire to support riders with disabilities. 

Keep up to date with progress on Hereford Cycle Track’s Facebook page.