Hereford City Council and The Right Worshipful Mayor of Hereford celebrated the diversity of Hereford earlier today with the Fijian community invited to meet The Mayor and other members of the community at Hereford Town Hall.
Fiji Day is on Sunday and Hereford has a wonderful Fijian community and Mayor of Hereford Paul Stevens was keen to invite them along to highlight the wonderful work they do in the community.
A flag raising ceremony took place, with the flag of Fiji flying proudly at the front of the Town Hall.
West Mercia Police’s Chief Superintendent for Herefordshire Edd Williams also attended the event.
Officially Fiji proclaimed its independence on October 10, 1970. Celebration of Fiji Day is a culminating point of Fiji Week.
Matt Healey caught up with a few of the Fijian community. Here’s what they had to say:
MH: “So Joni its great to see you all here today”
JONI: “It’s been really special for us, it’s quite unique and really special for us for the Mayor of the city of Hereford to be able to recognise us.”
MH “Great meeting you Ropate, how long have you been in Hereford for?”
ROPATE: “I’ve been here since 2015. I find Hereford is very friendly first and foremost and then to live in a city and see what happened today with the Lord Mayor, the city has actually flown a flag as part of the society here, so that’s a big privilege to be here.”
MH: “How’s the day been for you today Sani”?
SANI: “It’s been very exciting and we’ve been recognised by the Mayor because this is the first time we’ve been to something like this so yes an exciting day.
MH: “You performed a fantastic song for us”
SANI: “We had a rehearsal last night. There’s only five of us, what you saw today was literally just singing, the Fiji ladies of Hereford have regular meetings and social events as well. We like to raise funds for Charities!”