A former Gloucestershire Constabulary PC who pursued a car at 134mph when not authorised to do so has been found guilty of gross misconduct.

Andrew Wood was a Roads Policing Officer on 5 August 2023 when he received a dispatch message from the Force Control Room regarding a suspected stolen car which was being followed by West Mercia Police on the M5 motorway.

Despite not being qualified to pursue vehicles, he then drove behind the West Mercia Police cars at almost twice the speed limit.

Former PC Wood was suspended following the incident before resigning in October last year.

An accelerated misconduct hearing took place at Police Headquarters today (Tuesday 18 March), at which a panel chaired by Assistant Chief Constable Arman Mathieson considered whether former PC Wood’s actions amounted to a breach of the standards of professional behaviour and if so, whether they amounted to gross misconduct.

After hearing details of the case, the panel concluded former PC Wood was guilty of gross misconduct and would have been dismissed without notice had he not resigned. They also added his name to the police barred list.

Deputy Chief Constable Katy Barrow-Grint said: “Former PC Wood’s actions were irresponsible and endangered the lives of other motorists.

“He refused to accept he took part in a police pursuit, claiming he was acting as a safety vehicle, and this denial highlights the contempt in which he held the policies which are in place to protect the public.

“I hope people are reassured that when a police officer is dishonest and their actions present such a significant risk to public safety that we’ll take robust action.

“Former PC Wood may have resigned but his name has now been added to the police barred list, meaning he won’t be able to work in policing for at least the next five years, if ever again.”