The Met Office has issued two weather warnings for Herefordshire, with torrential downpours likely to cause issues on Sunday and Monday.

It follows heavy downpours on Friday and Saturday that caused localised flooding, with many properties flooding and also businesses.

The Met Office warning for Herefordshire on Sunday says:

“Showers and thunderstorms are expected to merge into broader areas of heavy rain across parts of Wales, central and southern England during Sunday.

“Whilst the strongest signal for impactful rainfall totals appears to be centred across east Wales and west-central England, there is potential right across this highlighted region for some places to see 40-70 mm in 2-3 hours, with a chance that a few places could receive 80-100 mm through the course of the day. 

“Southwest England looks likely to see some heavy rain during the early hours of Sunday morning, breaking up into slow-moving, heavy and in places thundery downpours during the day time. 

“Meanwhile, the areas of heavy rain are likely to continue pushing north and west, becoming slow moving across some northern and possibly eastern reaches of the warning area during the rest of Sunday.”

Warning Link –

The Met Office warning for Herefordshire on Monday says:

“Areas of heavy rain are expected to affect many parts of England and Wales during Monday. 

“There is still some uncertainty regarding which areas will be affected by the heaviest rain, but at this stage parts of the Midlands, northeast England and east Wales look most likely to see the greatest accumulations. 

“However, anywhere within the warning area could have impactful rainfall through the course of Monday.

“There is potential that 30-50 mm could develop in any part of the warning area, much of which could fall in six hours or less. 

“Some locations could see 80-100 mm over the course of 12 to 24 hours.”

Warning Link –