West Mercia Police have issued an appeal after two dogs attacked a sheep in Herefordshire.

The incident happened in Lea, near Ross-on-Wye.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said:

“Sadly we have to report that there was an incident whereby 2 dogs have entered a field near to Warren Lane, Lea and attacked a ewe. 

“This happened at approximately 18:45 on Friday 30th August.

“One of the dogs is described as ginger coloured, medium size and long legged.

“The dogs were seen headed towards the Lea but no owner present.

“If anyone has any information that they would like to share in relation to this incident then please contact Ross on Wye Safer Neighbourhood Team by responding to this message or emailing rossonwye.snt@westmercia.police.uk quoting reference 426 of the 30th of August.”