A planning application has been approved by Herefordshire Council for a dog park to open on the outskirts of Hereford.
The dog park will be located on land, to the south of Coldwells Road, in the Holmer area of Hereford.
The dog park will provide a secure environment where dog owners can exercise dogs that exhibit anxiety or similar traits away from other dogs.
The proposal differs from publicly accessible dog-walking facilities as follows :-
• The dog park will only be available by prior appointment on an hourly basis, with visitors provided with the security code to enable access. In this way numbers attending at any one time are limited.
• The park is enclosed by 6’ high wire mesh fencing to ensure security of the dogs and livestock.
• Hours of opening are limited.
You can find out more by visiting the Herefordshire Council Planning Site – Planning Search – Herefordshire Council and searching for planning reference number P211850/F.