Thursday 27th August from 5.30pm to 7pm (via Zoom)
How we can reduce C02 emissions and pollution while at the same time taking into account needs to retain a vibrant economy, a social place to live and diverse ecology?
We are getting lots of bookings for this (online) Herefordshire Green Network Gathering which will hear Professor Les Lumsdon, sustainable transport campaigner, in discussion with Councillor John Harrington about how the sustainability of transport in Herefordshire could be improved.
Professor Lumsdon was formerly the Director of the Institute of Transport and Tourism at the University of Central Lancashire and long standing researcher of sustainable transport, formerly chairman of Rail and Bus for Herefordshire and Marches Rail Alliance putting forward the needs of the passenger.
Councillor John Harrington is Herefordshire Council Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport. He represents the Herefordshire ward of Hampton on behalf of the It’s Our County party.
Their initial discussion will be followed by the opportunity for attendees to chat with others about the issues raised in small breakout rooms. Click here to register for free tickets and receive Zoom event info.