The Dzembo family from Sarasota, Florida who are on holiday in Ledbury, decided to take a visit over to Edgar Street on Saturday to watch the Hereford FC v Telford game. The match ended in a 0-0 draw.

Karen Pardoe who watches games from the wheelchair accessible section told Your Herefordshire:
“Nick & Samantha Dzembo with their son Connor & daughter Milania have hopefully all enjoyed their day with us Hereford FC DSA in the wheelchair accessible area.”

Karen continued:
“Connor and Milania were lucky enough to have a meet and greet with a few of the players, Tyrone Barnett and Ryan Mclean came over for a chat and photos, they even got to meet the infamous Bob Graham, Squnny & Marce Furness.”

“It’s just a shame they didn’t get to experience the Meadow End erupting after a goal as the game ended 0-0. We all hope you guys enjoy the rest of your stay in the UK and we wish you safe travels on your long journey home back to the USA.”
Photos provided by Karen Pardoe.