Photo Credit: Craig Anthony Photography.

Hereford Lads Club have withdrawn their side from the Hellenic League Premier Division and cancelled a friendly with Hereford FC due to what the management team describe as ‘budget issues’ at the club.

The club was due to host a friendly on Saturday 6th July against Hereford FC, but this has since been cancelled.

A statement released by Hereford Lads Club on Friday evening said:

“It is with deep disappointment that we wish to inform you that the Hereford Lads Club 1st Team, Lads Club Reserves and Lads Club Colts will be pulling out of the Hellenic League Premier Division and Herefordshire Leagues with immediate effect.

“Following years, and in the case of many of us, decades of hard work, we are disappointed to find ourselves in the position that we find ourselves in. Lads Club committee feel there is no place for senior football for these teams.

“Over the past 10 years, we’ve progressed from the Herefordshire leagues, to Step Five and the Hellenic League Premier Division. We’ve progressed as a team, but unfortunately a number of decisions made by the Club, it’s Chairman and Trustees, mean that we are no longer in a position where we can continue.

“The budget offered by the club for the forthcoming season is around half of what we believe would even give us a chance of remaining in this division, plus with other local clubs showing ambition and working at getting extra sponsorship to remain sustainable, the lack of effort from those above us at the club mean that we are fighting a tougher battle every week.

“We’d like to thank all the players who have played for us over the years, many of them without getting paid. Whether it’s promotions, the County Cup winning season or cup runs, we have plenty of memories to take away from this memorable spell at the club. 

“We’d also like to thank those people who supported us over the years, whether it be by attending fixtures or through sponsorship. It’s meant a lot to us and we can’t thank you enough. 

“It’s been an incredibly difficult decision to make, but we only wish the club could’ve matched our ambition for a stable, competitive club in Step Five.

“More information in the next few days of thanks and moments in our history will be posted.

“Thank you for the memories. 

“Daniel Moon, John Haycox and Stephen Ellerton.”

The news was met with shock in the local football community.

David Cadwallader said:

“Surely this a joke!

“The club has made strides that were unthinkable!

“If this is real then I would say thank you to Lads Club for everything you have done.. so many memories for all.

“Danny Moon you are a legend.”