Two Just Stop Oil supporters have painted the departure boards at Heathrow. Just Stop Oil is working with groups internationally to demand governments establish a fossil fuel treaty, to end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.

Press Release From Just Stop Oil:

At around 8:35 am, Phoebe Plummer and Jane Touil entered Heathrow and proceeded to paint the entrance hall to Terminal five, as well as the departure boards in the departures lounge.

Police and security arrived on scene within minutes and proceeded to cordon off the area. Both Just Stop Oil supporters had been dragged to a police van by around 8:50 am.

One of those taking action this morning is Phoebe Plummer, 22, who said:

“People around the world are rising up to demand an end to oil by 2030. This is an international problem, so ordinary people are doing what our politicians will not, working together globally to put a stop to the harm and suffering that fossil fuels cause.”

“Repression and prison time will not stop people stepping up to defend our families and communities. We have to put a stop to oil and gas. We’ve had fires raging in Jasper. British farmers are in despair after the wettest 18 months on record destroying crops.

Mortuaries are overflowing in India after a heatwave. If we want to protect life and what we love, we need a treaty to Just Stop Oil by 2030.”

Also taking action this morning is Jane Touil, 58, who said:

“We are in the greatest crisis humanity has ever faced and governments are not doing what is needed to protect us. Ordinary people have to stand up and make their governments do the right thing, because without pressure from us, they won’t. I feel so angry and betrayed that politicians have let this happen when they’ve known about climate breakdown for over 50 years.”

“Fossil fuel companies are maxing out profits, while hundreds of millions of people pay the price with their lives! Our government must commit to signing a legally binding fossil fuel treaty to end the extraction and burning of fossil fuels by 2030 – and it must support poorer countries to get off fossil fuels too.”

Today’s action comes after the wettest 18 months in the UK, farmers have been warning it is the worst growing season in 42 years, leading to waterlogged fields of rotting vegetables. British weather has always been changeable, but the recent extremes have been unprecedented.

June last year was the second warmest on record, with July the second wettest. September was then the warmest on record, followed by the wettest October and the fifth wettest December.

Research suggests that another implication of a warmer world will be an increasingly sluggish jet stream, resulting in ‘weather blocking’- longer periods of the same type of weather, leading to more droughts and floods.

The Oil Kills international uprising has been taking action at airports around the world. 21 groups across 12 countries have taken action at 18 airports so far.

They include Letzte Generation Germany, Folk Mot Fossilmakta and Scientist Rebellion in Norway, XR Finland, Futuro Vegetal in Spain, Just Stop Oil in the UK, Drop Fossil Subsidies and Act Now – Liberate in Switzerland, Letzte Generation Austria, Extinction Rebellion and Scientists Rebellion in Sweden, Doe Deurne Dicht in Belgium, Last Generation Canada, XR Boston, Last Generation America, and Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island from the USA. [2]