Just 23 motorists received compensation in response to claims that their vehicle was damaged as a result of a pothole in Herefordshire.

The information was revealed in a Freedom of Information request submitted to Herefordshire Council.

The Freedom of Information request asked the following questions:

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information for the time period: 31/08/23 – 31/08/24:

1) The number of claims received as a result of vehicle damage due to potholes.

2) The total number of claimants that received payment on the back of their claim for vehicle damage due to potholes.

3) The average payout value in GBP for claims received as a result of vehicle damage due to potholes.

The response from Herefordshire Council said:

1) The number of claims received as a result of vehicle damage due to potholes.

Answer: 332

2) The total number of claimants that received payment on the back of their claim for vehicle damage due to potholes.

Answer: 23

3) The average payout value in GBP for claims received as a result of vehicle damage due to potholes. Answer: £487.72.

You can view the Freedom of Information request in full by visiting – https://herefordshire.disclosurelog.co.uk/disclosures/5f08fbc0-0cf9-408c-962a-02ec32d6d5e2?preserveHistory