Herefordshire Council has agreed to spend up to £129,977 on a Weather Forecasting Service, Council documents have confirmed. 

Herefordshire Council documents confirm the following decision has been agreed:

“Weather Forecasting Service Contract to MetDesk Ltd for a contract value of £33,697.87 per annum, £101,093.61 for a 3 year period and £129,977.49 should the further 6 months extension be utilised.”

The Council procure a Weather Forecasting Service to support the Winter Service delivery. 

The service provider uses live data from the 7 weather stations in the county, the forecaster and weather models to accurately forecast the road temperatures and conditions across the county. 

This enables the council and service providers to respond to the challenging

weather during the winter period between October and April, gritting when temperatures are at risk of ice and the long periods of cold, ice and/or snow.

The contract procurement followed the council’s process, an Invitation to Tender was issued via the council’s portal with a closing date of the 2nd September 2024.

Decision Notice –