Plans have been submitted for a new ‘tyre centre’ near Asda in Hereford.
The tyre centre would be located at the rear of the Dino store, at the entrance to the Asda site in Hereford, if planning was to be approved.
The application, submitted by Mr J Ismail of Dino on Belmont Road details the following:
‘Change of use from unused open storage area to shop (E, B8) to vehicle tyre centre (Sui generis).’
The existing site is currently situated within a group of retail/commercial outlets with residential properties situated nearby.
The existing open storage area unused to be converted to a small Tyre Centre.
The area of the site in respect of the proposed change of use to a Tyre Centre = 115m2
Proposed hours of opening are as follows:
Monday to Sunday (including bank holidays) 8.30am – 17.00pm (prior appointment only)
You can view the application by visiting the Herefordshire Council Planning Application portal and searching for reference number – P242897/F