Two YouTube videos taken by a member of the public outside police stations in Hereford and Leominster have gone viral and received thousands of responses.

A statement from Superintendent Edd Williams following videos that have recently been circulating on social media.

“We’re aware of two videos circulating on social media filmed at Leominster and Hereford Police Stations showing our officers engaging with a man who was filming in a public place, outside the police station. Whilst anyone can legally film in a public place there are security and safety considerations around filming police buildings. Our officers are trained to measure the threat, harm and risk of incidents and act accordingly, and where necessary will challenge individuals.

“However, while it is only right that officers do challenge individuals this should be done in a friendly, professional and appropriate manner. We recognise the behaviour of one officer in the videos is not to the standard we would expect when engaging with the public and have spoken to the officer about this.

“Our officers will continue to be proactive in addressing security concerns in and around police premises, which is as much about protecting the public as it is our own workforce.”

Here are the videos in question: