The following information is from the Fownhope Parish Council Newsletter.

B4224 Fownhope and Fiddlers’ Green – Update 20
If you have any comments, questions or queries please contact
Lechmere’s Ley
The road subbase has been prepared ready for asphalt to be laid this week. Thank you to Cllr Hardwick for the images (below).
Stone Cottage
BT are now mobilising ahead of starting work on 10th August and pedestrian access will be maintained until then.​ Subcontractor tenders will be returned this week and we will share more details once these have been reviewed. 
Wider Signage review
The initial review of signage on the strategic network around Fownhope has been completed.  This was with the aim to ensure that signs are ‘encouraging’ traffic particularly HGV to not use the B4224 as a through road. ​

The findings have been shared with the Parish Council which includes suggestions for signage improvements and wider traffic surveys once the road is open.   The Parish through their working group will consider as part of their wider review of traffic calming initiatives they are currently working on including the potential implementation of speed and weight limit TRO to progress once the road is open.