Scan update from Wye Valley NHS Trust:

We have put further infection prevention measures in place so that women can have a support person with them for early pregnancy scans, the dating (12 weeks) and anomaly (20 weeks) antenatal scans.

We are contacting women before the above scans to ask if they would like a support person to attend with them and to explain the process for COVID-19 testing. We will contact you, so there is no need to contact us, unless you have other concerns.

The woman and support person will need to have a rapid lateral flow COVID-19 test on the day of the scan appointment at Hereford County Hospital, unless the woman chooses to attend on her own. The test will take place outside of the hospital building and will be available quickly on the same day prior to the scan appointment time. The text result will be text to the woman/support person while waiting outside.

Providing that the woman/support person arrive on time for the test and the test result is negative for COVID-19, for the woman and support person, they will both be able to attend that scan.

If either of the tests are positive for COVID-19 we will contact the woman straight away to advise on next steps. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to self-isolate for 10 days and also request a PCR COVID-19 test by phoning 119 or via the government’s website

For other antenatal appointments that women are required to attend on their own, they can face time on their hand held device at the consultant appointments.

If you or any member of your household have COVID-19 and/or symptoms, please phone the women’s health outpatient number on your letter to rebook your appointment and take advice from your midwife as required.

If you have specific concerns please speak to your midwife or during weekends call our maternity triage telephone number 07990986517.