A spokesperson for West Mercia Police (Hereford Cops) said:
“We are working hard to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) in Grafton.
“Following reports of anti-social behaviour from local residents, we have taken action. We seized 4x bongs and 3x grinders. The youths in question were dealt with accordingly at the time.
“Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of unacceptable activity that causes harm to an individual, to their community or to their environment. This could be an action by someone else that leaves you feeling alarmed, harassed or distressed. It also includes fear of crime or concern for public safety, public disorder or public nuisance.”
Examples of anti-social behaviour include:
- Nuisance, rowdy or inconsiderate neighbours
- Vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting
- Street drinking
- Environmental damage including littering, dumping of rubbish and abandonment of cars
- Prostitution related activity
- Begging andvagrancy
- Fireworks misuse
- Inconsiderate or inappropriate use of vehicles
“If you are experiencing problems with anti-social behaviour, or have any concerns about it, or other community safety issues, you should contact your local council or report this to us online. In an emergency, if you or your property are at risk or a crime is in progress call 999.
“The police, local authorities and other community safety partner agencies, such as Fire & Rescue and social housing landlords, all have a responsibility to deal with anti-social behaviour and to help people who are suffering from it.
“If you have information ASB please let us know using the online ‘Tell Us About’ form on our website www.westmercia.police.uk, quoting incident reference 00386_I_04092022.
“If you aren’t comfortable contacting us directly, you can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website: www.crimestoppers-uk.org
“Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime.”