Heidi Baker and her sister Laura Kerton will be running a half marathon in March to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis.

Heidi Baker

Heidi told Your Herefordshire why she is taking part in this challenge.

“After a very long journey starting in 2018, numerous medical appointments, traveling across country for examinations and private medical investigations, I was finally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in January 2020.  Being in my mid twenties, enjoying my life and having the best job I could ever imagine – the diagnosis hit me hard physically, emotionally and mentally; Unbearable pain, vertigo, fatigue, vision problems, depression and balance loss (to name a few!)”

Heidi continues “The impact of this has been by far the hardest thing I have ever had to manage and accept. Since the diagnosis I have have vowed to take the good with the bad and try to transform it into something that gives my life meaning. Although MS has gave me some awful symptoms, it has also gave me strength, desire, courage, perspective, compassion and gratefulness. Perhaps with every diagnosis and with every struggle there is a gift to be given, a lesson to be learnt and a heart to be healed”

Laura Kerton

Heidi adds “My sister Laura and I, have decided that we would run the very long (and no doubt very difficult) 13.2 miles of what is, a half marathon, with every ounce of energy that we can, in order to raise more awareness for Multiple sclerosis and speak the truth of this awful disabling disease!   Any money that you donate will be greatly received and it really does go towards an incredible cause who offer a new life to people who are effected by the disease.  So we ask, please please help where you can – let’s beat this disease together”

You can support Heidi and Laura by clicking on the below Just Giving link

Heidi Baker is fundraising for Multiple Sclerosis Society (justgiving.com)