Hereford City Northside

Approximate location:Number of stop and searches:
On or near Breinton Avenue2
On or near Breinton Road1
On or near Keir Hardie Close1
On or near Kings Crescent1
On or near Pedestrian Subway1
On or near Stopford Close1

Hereford City + Southside and Rural Southside

Approximate location:Number of stop and searches:
On or near Court Close1
On or near Hereford Police Station1
On or near Monkmoor Street2
On or near New Market Street2
On or near Offa Street1
On or near Parking Area3
On or near Pedestrian Subway4
On or near Poole Close1
On or near Ross Road (Red Hill)1
On or near St Peter’S Square1
On or near Union Street3
On or near Wall Street1
On or near Widemarsh Street2

Belmont Southside

Approximate location:Number of stop and searches:
On or near Blakemore Close1
On or near Cradley Close1
On or near Pixley Walk1
On or near South Wye Police Station1

Hereford Rural North Southside

No stop and search data available for August 2021

To view location boundaries, please visit – West Mercia Police | (