Hereford City Northside
Approximate location: | Number of stop and searches: |
On or near Breinton Avenue | 2 |
On or near Breinton Road | 1 |
On or near Keir Hardie Close | 1 |
On or near Kings Crescent | 1 |
On or near Pedestrian Subway | 1 |
On or near Stopford Close | 1 |
Hereford City + Southside and Rural Southside
Approximate location: | Number of stop and searches: |
On or near Court Close | 1 |
On or near Hereford Police Station | 1 |
On or near Monkmoor Street | 2 |
On or near New Market Street | 2 |
On or near Offa Street | 1 |
On or near Parking Area | 3 |
On or near Pedestrian Subway | 4 |
On or near Poole Close | 1 |
On or near Ross Road (Red Hill) | 1 |
On or near St Peter’S Square | 1 |
On or near Union Street | 3 |
On or near Wall Street | 1 |
On or near Widemarsh Street | 2 |
Belmont Southside
Approximate location: | Number of stop and searches: |
On or near Blakemore Close | 1 |
On or near Cradley Close | 1 |
On or near Pixley Walk | 1 |
On or near South Wye Police Station | 1 |
Hereford Rural North Southside
No stop and search data available for August 2021
To view location boundaries, please visit – West Mercia Police | (