Google Street View – Image Date – November 2020

A temporary road closure and one-way restriction is likely to cause delays on a busy stretch of road in Hereford later this month, with network rail carrying out work.

Burcott Road, between the junction for College Road and the entrance to Tudors, will be closed from Monday 20th February for five days. Access will be made available to Tudors during this time and pedestrians and cyclists will be able to access the route.

A one-way system will be in force on College Road in Hereford, across the railway bridge, meaning that motorists looking to access Hereford City / Widemarsh Street from the College area of Hereford can do so as normal, via the one-way system. Motorists looking to access the College area of the city from the city centre will need to do so via a diversion route along the City Link Road and Barrs Court Road.

This closure and one-way system is likely to cause significant delays in this area of Hereford and motorists are advised to plan ahead before travelling.

More Details in the tweets below: