NEWS | Suspected Drug Driver arrested by Stefan Davies | Jul 2, 2020 | News Police in Herefordshire have arrested a driver after they failed a road side drugs test. #Driver of this #vehicle was reported acting suspiciously. We found it some time later and #arrested the driver for suspected drug driving and possession of cannabis#yousaywedid #fatal421156 & 2514— OPU Herefordshire (@OPUHereford) July 2, 2020 #OLDER POSTS MORE POSTS$ Stefan Davies RELATED POSTS NEWS | A pedestrian has died and a woman has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by careless driving and driving when over the limit of drugs LATEST | Herefordshire Council provides major update on Blueschool Street emergency closure FEATURED | A stunning cafe with an incredible interior is set to open in Hereford this morning and we can’t wait to visit!