Statement from Assistant Chief Constable Craig Holden following the conclusion of excavation work at the Clean Plate Café: ” As we announced earlier today, the excavation work in the cellar of the Clean Plate Café in Gloucester has now been completed.

Each area of interest, identified by a team of nationally recognised experts, has been methodically and meticulously investigated.

No human remains or items of relevance to our enquiry were found. The blue material photographed on an endoscope camera by the TV production company was not identified, but we did establish it was likely to be connected to a buried pipe. The pipe was recovered and our excavations went beyond the original endoscope depth.

Everyone working on this is disappointed that we didn’t find Mary. Allowing her family to finally lay Mary to rest after over 50 years was always the most important reason for our excavation.

Our thoughts are with Mary’s family, whose continued dignity over recent weeks and many years before, has been humbling.

I am now confident that Mary is not buried in the cellar of the café and I hope that eliminating this location will bring some comfort, however small to her family.

The information presented to us by the production company on the 7th May was significant, and after careful assessment it was appropriate and proportionate that we carried out this work.

We have always been clear that we may not find Mary’s remains. Sadly that proved to be the case, but it does not mean we were wrong to look – the new information made it the right thing to do.

I hope there is some consolation for local people. We have finally answered whether Mary’s body was under a busy café in the centre of Gloucester – in that respect people can be assured.

Our gratitude once again goes to the local community for their patience and understanding during our investigation. We don’t underestimate the disruption caused by our work and the feelings this will have evoked for many.

Gloucester has once again come under the national spotlight due to the legacy of heinous crimes committed many years ago. The victims and their families will never be forgotten.

A video where Scenes of Crime Co-ordinator Martin Cuffe describes the excavation work can be downloaded here:

Statement from the family of Mary Bastholm: “We would like to thank Gloucestershire Constabulary for all they have done through this difficult and emotional time.

In particular we would like to thank DCI John Turner and the Family Liaison Officers Sean and Josh who have done a marvellous job with supporting us right from the beginning.

We want to thank the production team for bringing their own investigation and evidence forward.

And we would also like to thank those who have carried out the excavation work at the café, not forgetting the owners of the café for allowing this excavation to happen.

We are still very sad that Mary has not been found. We were hoping to get a final closure on her disappearance so that we could put her to rest.

We have been open minded throughout this process and we now know that the café can be ruled out. We can however hold out some hope that one day Mary will be found.

Mary was a strong willed and happy-go-lucky teenager, dearly loved by her parents and two brothers. She enjoyed life and was just coming into her own when her life was tragically cut short.

Her parents and two brothers were never the same after she went missing.

They have now sadly passed away without ever knowing what happened to their loving daughter and sister.

Finally we would like to thank the people of Gloucestershire for their support during this difficult time.