There has been a slight increase in river levels on the River Wye in Hereford over recent hours, with the water level now around two to three inches deeper than it was yesterday.

This is thanks to an emergency release of water from the Elan Valley, with concerns over low river levels.

It was confirmed on Saturday that an emergency release of water would travel down the Wye, through mid Wales and into Herefordshire.

“Emergency release of water from Elan Valley reservoirs raising levels a bit downstream now with the River Wye extremely low.

“It’s unlikely to affect levels in Hereford much but even a slight increase in depth will significantly help!”

The Environment Agency has issued an amber alert on the River Wye.

The Environment Agency have currently evaluated the early warning system at ‘amber’ as the water temperature has exceeded 20ÂșC.

Further Details from the Environment Agency:

Current status

  • The Environment Agency have currently evaluated the early warning system at ‘amber’ as the water temperature has exceeded 20ÂșC.
  • High temperatures can put fish at risk and trigger algal blooms.
  • The Environment Agency advise cessation of salmon and trout fishing.
  • Playing Atlantic salmon to exhaustion can cause mortality at high temperatures. A maximum water temperature of 20ÂșC is important for recovery and survival of salmon.
  • To protect the River Wye’s important fish populations, please stop fishing for salmon and trout until we advise that temperatures have dropped to ensure effective catch and release. 
  • Take care over other fish species’ welfare, particularly for more sensitive species, including grayling, pike and barbel.
  • Unhook fish in the water if possible and only take them out of the water for unhooking if absolutely necessary.
  • Take photos of fish in the water – keeping a fish in the air, even for a few seconds, can greatly reduce its chances of surviving after capture and going on to spawn successfully. 
  • We are increasing our front-line surveillance and engagement to share our advice and look out for impacts

More details –