Sir Bill Wiggin, Member of Parliament for North Herefordshire, welcomes the report and recommendations of the Herefordshire Children’s Commissioner. 

Sir Bill said: 

“This report is good news for the most vulnerable children in our society but a terrible condemnation of what has been going on in Children’s Services.

“I am deeply grateful for the excellent work that has been done by the Government-appointed Children’s Commissioner, Eleanor Brazil and also to the Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing who commissioned this report. 

“It has exposed the cruel and diabolical failings of our Council’sChildren’s Services Department, and I am very encouraged by the Children’s Commissioner’s recommendations.

“The terrible complaints I have seen and heard about concerning the state of Herefordshire Council’s Children’s Services have been harrowing and have gone on for far too long.

“The people who need social workers and the good social workers who try to help have been let down.

“For the sake of our children and families I am glad that we are going to be put back on the right track by other local authorities who are able to manage this vital service.

“A formal partnership with a good or outstanding local authority is a very welcome outcome as it would not be appropriate toleave our Children’s Services in the sole hands of our failing Council. 

“The Council failed to improve since the first voluntary Commissioner was appointed.

“So the decision to give responsibility to the new Commissioner to create a partnership with external Councils is a huge step forward for those in need.

“But it must come as a significant shock to Herefordshire Council to find that in the long term they are no longer trusted to run one of their significant departments.

“Going forward I look forward to seeing a serious and sustained delivery of social services to those that need them the most in Herefordshire, even if they are delivered from by other Councils.”