Sir Bill Wiggin, Member of Parliament for North Herefordshire, has expressed his delight at the recent Herefordshire Council election results, which saw the Conservative Party gain 8 seats to become the largest party in Herefordshire, with 21 seats in total.

Speaking after the count, Sir Bill said:

“It is encouraging to see such a good number of capable Conservative candidates elected to Herefordshire Council. I know this result will be a relief to those who have grown frustrated with the decisions of the previous administration.” 

“For far too long the Independent-Green coalition have neglected our potholes, bypass, wasted our money and let down our children. 

The people of Herefordshire have reflected their concerns at the ballot box. I look forward to the new Councillors working with the Conservative group to address these issues.” 

This election saw the Conservatives unseat previously prominent cabinet members at Herefordshire Council, including Bruce Baker winning in Hampton and Dan Hurcomb, Chairman of the North Herefordshire Conservative Association, in Bircher.

Sir Bill commented:

“I would like to congratulate all newly elected Councillors on a well fought and successful campaign. 

“It will not be an easy task to undo the damage done by the Independent-Green coalition, however I am confident that the newly elected Conservative councillors can work together to start to form a brighter future for Herefordshire.”